Monday, December 8, 2014

5 miles

Day 4

1 apple
Almond butter
apple pie Lara bar

Organic tuna
grape tomatoes
kalamata olives

Gluten Free Pizza

Day 5

3 eggs
3 slices of organic bacon
1 mandarin orange


Paleo Chili
Coconut milk hot chocolate

Day 6

2 poached eggs
1 ham steak

Paleo Chili
Coconut milk hot chocolate


So my whole30 completely went out the window this weekend.  I didn't even stay completely paleo!  Friday night was bad.  I ran out of cumin, so the tacos I had planned to make weren't going to happen.  For some reason, all I could think about was pizza!  Again!  And it wasn't even that good (which you wouldn't know since I ate AN ENTIRE MEDIUM PIZZA by myself.) *sigh*  Then we had some friends and their kids over for a holiday party and I made them all hot chocolate and all kind of yummy things.  So I had some hot chocolate which I had been craving for weeks.  So, if you have read The Polar Express, you know the part where the hot chocolate is described as being "as thick and rich as melted chocolate bars"?  Well, I'm never had hot cocoa like that.  Until Saturday.  Holy cats it was AMAZING.  So amazing that I made more on Sunday.  So good.  

My only saving grace this weekend was that I did a 5 mile run on Sunday.  It went really well, despite a surprising number of annoyances (which normally derail me.)  

I had an overall pace of 13:42 which included a 1 minute warm up at the beginning (which is why my pace was 14:00 for the first mile) and a long cool down at the end (hence the 17:38.)  I had hoped to stay at around 13:00 and I stayed pretty close.  I'm proud of myself.  

I tried out my new vest from LL Bean and it was awesome!  It's so thin, but it kept me really warm which was nice.  I had left my Garmin at the gym at work and couldn't find my husband's gym boss, so I added the MVP option to Mapmyrun because they have an interval timer.  Boy was that crappy.  I couldn't hear it unless I had it almost next to my ear.  Especially if there were any cars around.  I once again forgot to bring water with me and around 3 miles, I was hungry and thirsty and pretty miserable.  I perked up and actually was able to get water from a park drinking fountain late in my run, so I felt better.  This next two weeks is all about figuring out my running nutrition.  I really don't want to do shot blocks so I'm hoping to find a more natural solution.  We'll see how that goes.

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