Friday, December 5, 2014

Whole 30 Day 2 and Weight Training

Note: This was supposed to post yesterday, but I think I forgot to click something.  So there will be 2 posts today.

Day 2 (12/3/14)

1 apple
Almond butter
2 hard boiled eggs

Leftover Meat sauce
2 clementine oranges

3 eggs over easy
4 pieces of Applegate Sunday Bacon

Yes, I had bacon.  I made Homemade Hamburger Helper for the family, so I made myself some bacon and eggs.  But it's organic bacon and while it's not technically whole30 compliant, I just can't afford the US Wellness meats stuff and I cannot eat any more chicken apple sausage.  So, I got organic since I figured it's better than the farm factory stuff and moved on.

I did my second day of weight training today.  For a while I was doing an hour a week with a trainer that is a cousin of my husband at a crossfit gym near my work.  I'm just fascinated by crossfit, but I felt like I would never be fit enough to actually go to a crossfit gym.  I was really surprised.  Not only was everyone not a paragon of fitness, but everyone was really welcoming!  I envisioned it being filled with the kind of people you see on American Ninja Warrior (such a great show) but there were all ages and sizes.  Even some bigger than me!  My first workout, I was really stupid.  I didn't eat beforehand and I nearly puked twice (and also nearly passed out!  Way to go, dummy!) So, I got smarter after that and while I was always exhausted and dripping sweat after a workout (and usually sore for 4-5 days afterword) I felt really great. And I started getting really definition in my arms and legs prompting annoying comments to my husband like "Look!  I have bones in my knees!  You can see and feel them and everything!"  But now we are having some financial issues at home and so I can't afford a trainer right now.  

But today, I decided was the day I was going to figure out how to do a weight training program by myself.  With sweating.  Not just halfheartedly lifting weights.  On Monday I did arms and abs and it seemed lackluster to me, but the agony in my abs right now tells me I did something right.  So, I checked out some beginner crossfit workouts only and came up with this:

5 minute warm up on the treadmill

Then two circuits of:
20 lunges
20 air squats
20 plies
20 steps up (each leg)
20 leg lifts (each leg
20 kettlebell swings

5 minute cool down on the treadmill

I felt great when I was done.  I was even sweating!  I had my ipod on which was different since I don't use one when I run.  I enjoyed it and I felt like I got a good workout.  I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow and Saturday and see if I need to increase my weights, but I'm hoping to try to go a little faster next time.  We'll see how that goes.

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