Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cravings and Injuries

I didn't run this weekend.  I used the rain we've been having and the pain in my ankle that I've had the last few days as an excuse.  Luckily it was just a 30 min maintenance run, so I did it on Monday and I'll do Wednesday and Friday this week too to make up for it.  Sunday will be my next long run.  5 miles, which I think will be the longest I've ever run before.

As for my ankle, it felt ok yesterday when I was running, but hurts when I just walk around the house or the office.  I thought it might be my work shoes since none of them see to fit any more.  I guess my feet have shrunk.  It doesn't help that most of them are worn crooked on the bottom.  Stupid pronating feet.  But then I wore my sneakers the rest of the day and it still hurt.  Last time this happened, I went to the doctor who put me in an immobolizing boot for 4 months.  And it never did a thing.  It was only when I did my whole30 that the pain went away.  My run in just over a month a way, so I have to get serious and get back on the whole30.  The problem is that I've been saying that for a while now.  But I really don't want this to halt my running like it has in the past.  I've just got to do it!  So, here it is.  Today is the day.  I'm doing it.  No more excuses.

It doesn't help that I've been eating so much sugar lately.  I have an addiction to Luna and Larry's Organic Coconut Bliss coconut ice cream (dark chocolate flavor, of course.)  It's dairy and soy free and totally delicious.  And while I like to pretend that it's totally ok to eat since it's paleo and all, it's still ice cream.  And I can usually resist it for a while.  I do my grocery shopping online so it's easy to keep from being tempted.  But once I get it, I just want to buy more and more.  Like the paleo baked goods, ice cream should be a sometime thing.  Not an every night thing.

Wish me luck!  I have a feeling I won't have a loss tomorrow for Weigh In Wednesday, but I can hope!

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